Saturday 27 February 2016

MYTH- Eat curd and sugar before heading out.

superstitious belief-It brings good luck.

Actual reason- Curd is usauly eaten to keep oneself cool. It has a cooling effect on the stomach. The sugar which is added in generous quantities, before someone sets out for an important work, provides instant glucose, and so its consumption has slowly linked itself to good luck.

MYTH- Using lemons and green chillies to avoid buri najar

Actual reason- This superstition was encouraged to use better qualities of lemons and chillies. both are rich in vitamins and thus our ancestors most probably tried to propagate their usage as symbols during ceremonies which slowly turned into totka.  



MYTH- Sweeping the floor during the evening brings financial loss .

Superstition- brings bad luck

Actual belief- in some corners of India it is believed that sweeping the house after sunset creates financial loss to one's family. our ancestors most probably cleaned their houses during the day time it is because of the bright sunlight at the day time and to avoid sweeping away some important things which where very precious to them at that time. this believe kept on spreading and slowly managed to weave more stories around it.

Myth: If a crow shits on someone , it is considered to bring good luck for that person.

Actual reason- In the earlier days when no much development had occurred people used to travel by foot, and we all know that crow used be among the most common birds, on most of the trees, so there was always a possibility that it would shit on someone or the other. So just to keep ones  mood from getting spoiled, people interpreted the shit of a crow as a good luck.

Myth: Black cat crossing your path brings bad luck.

Superstitious belief: The person who crosses this way, will encounter something bad on his journey. 

Actual reason: Many people tame animals as companions and love their company. Some consider their pets as their children and cats are one of those. There's no valid reason to keep a black cat out of the path just because of its colour. More likely, its just a superstition which arises from old beliefs in witches and their animal familiars, which were often considered to take the form of domestic animals like cats.
                                                                           Janice Gomes
MYTH- Swallow tulsi leaves , never chew it 

SUPERSTITION- Tulsi is Goddess  Lakshmi's avatar

Actual reason- In many hindu communities it is believed that tulsi plant represent the goddess Lakshmi. Hence they say that one should never bite or chew tulsi's leaves instead of that one should always swallow them rather then chewing. But the actual reason behind it is tulsi is healthy and contains a little amount of Arsenic in it which causes the teeth to become yellow or may result in the degradation of enamel. 


Myth: Not to see moon during Ganesh Chaturthi.

Superstitious belief: The one who does so, will be called a thief.

Actual reasoning: It was Ganesh's birthday and he had been invited for dinner by a devotee. Ganesh had a heavy meal and was returning home on his mouse. Suddenly a snake came on their way. The mouse got frightened and ran away which lead to falling of Ganesh on the ground. Seeing this, the moon started laughing at Ganesh. He felt humiliated and in his frustration  he cursed the moon saying that ''anybody who sees the moon on his birthday will be called as thief". This is the reason why we are not supposed to look at the moon. But this Myth is still believed by Hindus during Ganesh Chaturthi.
                                                                 Vinay Kudalkar