Friday 26 February 2016

Myth of the devil entering our stomach if we eat along the roadside

Myth: One should not consume any eatables while walking on the road.
Superstitious belief: If one does so, devil enters the stomach along with the food.
Actual Reason: The fact being that we fall ill when germs enter our stomach via our mouth, if we eat using our dirty hands . One should be wise enough to know that it is not safe to eat on the roadside or when we walk or travel along the road. In the olden days and till date, no one actually bothers to wash their hands before eating and specially while travelling. Sometimes we are so engrossed into relishing food that we don't think about the sum of germs entering our stomach, which cause infections. Children like to eat while walking on the road maybe when they are with their friends. No doubt, now there are sanitisers for the purpose of instant cleaning of hands but earlier there were no such things available and to prevent the children from consuming food with dirty hands such stories of the devil entering our stomachs were made. And falling ill after it, the blame was to be put on the devil (actually germs) in our stomach that cause the illness.
                                                              Andrina Fernandes

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