Saturday 27 February 2016

Myth: To be- bride and groom are not allowed to move out of the house after the coconut milk (ROS) or the haldi ceremony.

Superstitious belief: Something bad will happen either in the form of accident or some bad incident will happen in their life.

Actual reason:Turmeric or Haldi is a natural cosmetic which  improves skin complexion. It also brings a healthy glow to the skin and makes the bride and groom look beautiful.This is the main purpose behind haldi ceremony. As far as coconut milk is concerned, it restores the skin texture. It also heals the sunburn effect on the skin.In order to restore this natural glow for the wedding, the elders used to warn the couple by creating false  stories like- accidents, etc and hence, this tradition is followed till date. 

                                                                          Janice Gomes

                                                                           - SU150028

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