Saturday 27 February 2016

Myth: It is believed that we must not fold our legs(padmasan position) or must not keep our legs on chair or sofa while having food.
Superstitious belief: If one does so, they won't have proper growth of their body.
Logical reasoning: This Myth has originated from our ancestors. They would scare their small children by telling them this myth because they were not sitting properly or listening to them while having food. While having our food we must sit properly, respect our food and have it. But some people have the habit of sitting with their folded legs which they are comfortable with and have their food. Folding legs or keeping legs up on chair or sofa does not affect our growth. Growth is natural for every individual. Every individual has his own way or own style of having food. So we must think logically, and must not believe in any myth and continue it.
                                                                REAGAN FENANDES

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