Friday 5 February 2016

Myth about cutting of the nails at night

Myth: One should not cut nails at night.
Superstitious belief: It invites the devil in the house.
Actual reason : This myth was originated from the time when in the olden days people had no access to electricity in their houses and had to rely on the lamps which would not produce much bright light. If one would cut the nails at night in the dark, there was a fear of hurting oneself and if not disposed in proper places like dustbins or throw the cut nails outside the house, there would be fear of being hurt by getting cuts on the feet while walking, having stamped any sharp nail. The elders used to warm their children so as to not letting them hurt themselves. But as the saying goes 'the sheep falls in the pit, and the others blindly follow'. Similarly, some people without knowing or wanting to know, they think of illogical interpretations to such matters. The question of we inviting the devil and the devil entering our house just does not arise and the cutting of nails and inviting the devil has no connection. But maybe the thought has come up as when we imagine a devil, its nails will definitely be long, relating to our long nails and we mostly relate darkness to night as so the superstitious belief follows.
                                                                                - SU150097
                                                                                                  Andrina Fernandes

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