Saturday 27 February 2016

MYTH- Eat curd and sugar before heading out.

superstitious belief-It brings good luck.

Actual reason- Curd is usauly eaten to keep oneself cool. It has a cooling effect on the stomach. The sugar which is added in generous quantities, before someone sets out for an important work, provides instant glucose, and so its consumption has slowly linked itself to good luck.

MYTH- Using lemons and green chillies to avoid buri najar

Actual reason- This superstition was encouraged to use better qualities of lemons and chillies. both are rich in vitamins and thus our ancestors most probably tried to propagate their usage as symbols during ceremonies which slowly turned into totka.  



MYTH- Sweeping the floor during the evening brings financial loss .

Superstition- brings bad luck

Actual belief- in some corners of India it is believed that sweeping the house after sunset creates financial loss to one's family. our ancestors most probably cleaned their houses during the day time it is because of the bright sunlight at the day time and to avoid sweeping away some important things which where very precious to them at that time. this believe kept on spreading and slowly managed to weave more stories around it.

Myth: If a crow shits on someone , it is considered to bring good luck for that person.

Actual reason- In the earlier days when no much development had occurred people used to travel by foot, and we all know that crow used be among the most common birds, on most of the trees, so there was always a possibility that it would shit on someone or the other. So just to keep ones  mood from getting spoiled, people interpreted the shit of a crow as a good luck.

Myth: Black cat crossing your path brings bad luck.

Superstitious belief: The person who crosses this way, will encounter something bad on his journey. 

Actual reason: Many people tame animals as companions and love their company. Some consider their pets as their children and cats are one of those. There's no valid reason to keep a black cat out of the path just because of its colour. More likely, its just a superstition which arises from old beliefs in witches and their animal familiars, which were often considered to take the form of domestic animals like cats.
                                                                           Janice Gomes
MYTH- Swallow tulsi leaves , never chew it 

SUPERSTITION- Tulsi is Goddess  Lakshmi's avatar

Actual reason- In many hindu communities it is believed that tulsi plant represent the goddess Lakshmi. Hence they say that one should never bite or chew tulsi's leaves instead of that one should always swallow them rather then chewing. But the actual reason behind it is tulsi is healthy and contains a little amount of Arsenic in it which causes the teeth to become yellow or may result in the degradation of enamel. 


Myth: Not to see moon during Ganesh Chaturthi.

Superstitious belief: The one who does so, will be called a thief.

Actual reasoning: It was Ganesh's birthday and he had been invited for dinner by a devotee. Ganesh had a heavy meal and was returning home on his mouse. Suddenly a snake came on their way. The mouse got frightened and ran away which lead to falling of Ganesh on the ground. Seeing this, the moon started laughing at Ganesh. He felt humiliated and in his frustration  he cursed the moon saying that ''anybody who sees the moon on his birthday will be called as thief". This is the reason why we are not supposed to look at the moon. But this Myth is still believed by Hindus during Ganesh Chaturthi.
                                                                 Vinay Kudalkar
MYTH - Plastering the floor with cow dung is auspicious 

Actual reason- As cow is considered auspicious, just like that its products are also considered as auspicious. so there are many rituals that encourage the usage of cow dung to plaster the floor of the house. Our ancestors started all these practices most probably for protection against different types of insects and reptiles which are repellent towards the pungent smell of the cow dung. they did not have that much money to buy commercial disinfectants like we do now. But as the time passed by this became a ritual and we are still flowing it in spite of being educated in this contemporary/modern world. 


Myth: Howling of female fox (vixen) is considered as bad luck.

Superstitious belief: Salt when thrown in fire, takes away the bad luck.

Actual reason: Animals are sensitive to low frequency sound. Hence, on hearing the crackling sound of salt, they fear any danger around them, ergo flee away. However, people have misunderstood this fact and believe that salt is the solution to prevent the bad luck.All animals have unique cry, so as the female fox. Scientifically, reason behind their howling is usually during breeding season, sometimes to confirm territory between rival foxes. They also make this sound around and during the time of mating.
                                                                   Janice Gomes
Myth:Not to have head bath or cold water during menses.

Superstitious belief:Is that,it causes death in the long run.

Actual reason:In the earlier times,people used rivers or ponds as a source of common drinking water,bathing and for other house hold work.These sources were public places and bathing during menses would have caused embarrassment for women and uneasiness for others.This was the possible reason for forbidding mensturating women from taking bath or head bath.But now,where people have private bathrooms, the belief of not bathing during menses is totally a misconception.One should bathe everyday and its important to bathe during mensturation to maintain proper cleanliness and hygiene.



Myth: It is believed that we must not fold our legs(padmasan position) or must not keep our legs on chair or sofa while having food.
Superstitious belief: If one does so, they won't have proper growth of their body.
Logical reasoning: This Myth has originated from our ancestors. They would scare their small children by telling them this myth because they were not sitting properly or listening to them while having food. While having our food we must sit properly, respect our food and have it. But some people have the habit of sitting with their folded legs which they are comfortable with and have their food. Folding legs or keeping legs up on chair or sofa does not affect our growth. Growth is natural for every individual. Every individual has his own way or own style of having food. So we must think logically, and must not believe in any myth and continue it.
                                                                REAGAN FENANDES
Myth: Whistling at night invites snakes at your house.

Logical reasoning: We all know that kids are mischievous and playful. Their main priority is to play- be it singing their own tunes or producing whistling sounds from air-blowing toys. It doesn't matter to them what time it is- whether day or night, to play and yell. This would bother the neighbourhood as most people come home tired, from their hectic schedule of work and prefer a good nap. Therefore, this belief was usually told to kids, to discourage them from making noise at night.   

                                                                   Janice Gomes
Myth: To be- bride and groom are not allowed to move out of the house after the coconut milk (ROS) or the haldi ceremony.

Superstitious belief: Something bad will happen either in the form of accident or some bad incident will happen in their life.

Actual reason:Turmeric or Haldi is a natural cosmetic which  improves skin complexion. It also brings a healthy glow to the skin and makes the bride and groom look beautiful.This is the main purpose behind haldi ceremony. As far as coconut milk is concerned, it restores the skin texture. It also heals the sunburn effect on the skin.In order to restore this natural glow for the wedding, the elders used to warn the couple by creating false  stories like- accidents, etc and hence, this tradition is followed till date. 

                                                                          Janice Gomes

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Myth:It is believed that when a person gets hiccups,he has either robbed some eatables from the dinning table or is being remembered by someone.

Logical reasoning:One do not get hiccups when someone remembers you or if has taken something from the table.It is just a humerous way of saying so to pick on someone .The actual reason for hiccups is, when the air rushing in hits your voice box, your vocal chords close suddenly and you are left with a big hiccup.Having a glass of cold water or holding your breath for a minute can relieve you from the hiccups.


Friday 26 February 2016


The fact that a few species of bats drink blood does not help with the superstitious beliefs revolving around them. There is an old myth that if a bat flies around a house for three times or if the bat flies inside the house then death is waiting for someone in the family.

The real reason of bats entering the house and bringing death is because of the different diseases trasmitted by the bats which were deadly in those days when there were no medicines for these diseases. Rabies,Nipah, Hendra , Ebola and Marburg are all those deadly viruses carried by the bats that can affect human life. Masburg can affect upto  80-90% of the human population infected by it.


Crow is the vahana of shani who represents the karmas of the past.We are indebted to our ancestors who gave us birth. So offering foods to crow is regards as pacifying hunger of ancestors wherever and whichever form they are reborn.It is believed that  the crows are related to our ancestors from the 'treta yuga'.

As per this popular legend,once Jayant the son of God Indra ,disguised as a form of crow and hurt Sita. In turn God Rama took hay and used it as an arrow and parted one of the eyes of Jayant.
After realizing his mistake ,Jayant asked for Lord Ramas forgiveness. Then Rama forgave him and blessed him with a boon that whenever food is served to crows it will reach the ancestors.

Velona Luis.

Wedding is a very auspicious occasion in our Indian culture.Therefore to minimize the negative impinges on the marriage festivities and to save the couple from the" evil eye "a lot of measures are taken. People still believe in some of the superstitions in order to keep their marriages safe.

1.Bride carries knife after engagement.

The time period from marriage to engagement, brides are asked to carry knives with is believes that it will protect her from the 'evil spirits ' and her virtue from the world.

2.Color of the mehendi.

Application of mehendi one or two nights before the marriage is an important Indian custom.however, even this has several superstitions. The darker the mehendi on the brides hand and feet the stronger will be her marriage bond. Another belief is that if the mehendi lasts longer on her hands then she will get abundant love from her in laws.

3.Rain on the wedding day.

It is considered sacred in the Indian culture. Rain on the wedding day is said to be a sign of fertility and wealth.

4.Control your creative instincts.

Making own wedding outfit is said to be unlucky for the bride to be.

5.Throwing rice at the bride and groom.

People shower their blessings and wishes on the newly wed couples with rice.Its a symbol of fertility and abundance.In some cultures it is believed to protect the couple from the newly wedded couple.

Myths and superstitions

whether there is any merit to the superstitions surrounding the Friday 13th will remain uncertain ,but the most common ones are

1)If you cut your hair on Friday 13 someone in your family will die.
2) If a funeral procession passes you on Friday 13th you will die next.
3) Do not start a trip on Friday 13th you will encounter misfortune.
4) If you break a mirror on the Friday 13th you will have seven years of bad luck.
5) A child born on Friday 13 will be unlucky for hes/her entire life.
6) Ships that set sail on Friday 13th will have bad luck.
7) If you walk under  the ladder or a cat crossing you way on Friday 13 will bring you bad luck.

Velona luis

Myth of the devil entering our stomach if we eat along the roadside

Myth: One should not consume any eatables while walking on the road.
Superstitious belief: If one does so, devil enters the stomach along with the food.
Actual Reason: The fact being that we fall ill when germs enter our stomach via our mouth, if we eat using our dirty hands . One should be wise enough to know that it is not safe to eat on the roadside or when we walk or travel along the road. In the olden days and till date, no one actually bothers to wash their hands before eating and specially while travelling. Sometimes we are so engrossed into relishing food that we don't think about the sum of germs entering our stomach, which cause infections. Children like to eat while walking on the road maybe when they are with their friends. No doubt, now there are sanitisers for the purpose of instant cleaning of hands but earlier there were no such things available and to prevent the children from consuming food with dirty hands such stories of the devil entering our stomachs were made. And falling ill after it, the blame was to be put on the devil (actually germs) in our stomach that cause the illness.
                                                              Andrina Fernandes

Myth about prohibiting the entry of a girl in the kitchen or temple during menstruation

Myth: Girls should not enter kitchen and temples during periods.
Superstitious belief: If a girl enter the kitchen during her periods, the food gets spoiled and going to the temple impurifies the place of worship.
Actual reason: Menstruation is common, it happens to every girl but if no one knows about it, everyone finds things and the food cooked normal by the lady who is having her periods. But if they know about it, then they will probably try to keep the girl away from the kitchen. Men and women, both are creations of God and women getting their periods is a gift of God, then how can God or the place of worship get affected due to it? It does not make sense if a person believes in such things. It is relevant enough that girls should not enter the kitchen or temples or be away from home during periods inorder to give them rest as they feel discomfort during Menstruation. So also, there were no sanitary napkins available during our ancestors time when these rules were made. And in the olden days girls were thought to be a burden to a family and if earlier they would know the actual reason, no one would understand the discomfort the girl would go through and ask them to do daily house hold work. And therefore creating such mentality in those days helped the girl although the belief being a negative one.
                                                                   Andrina Fernandes.

Myth about having bath after attending a funeral

Myth: A person has to take bath after funeral.
Superstitious belief: One can get possessed by any evil spirit if they do not do so.
Actual Reason: The reason behind believing that one should have bath after funeral is just to prevent infections from the dead body as a human body is not safe after death and when we be around the dead body during the funeral, we are prone to get infected by some or the other sort of unsafe conditions due to the dead body. Earlier maybe if a person was mentally ill (may it be due to depression after losing a loved one) the person was considered to be possessed and if the person would even get physically ill the subsequent thought would be that the evil spirit has done it all. According to me there is nothing such as ghosts. And blaming the ghosts as the root cause, is not done. As we all know and the church tells us that once a person is legally buried, with all religious formalities and other such things, they are gone forever (both body and soul) and having this knowledge, still blaming the spirits of those buried in the graveyard does not make sense. The belief could also be to scare people, so that they take it seriously that it is necessary to have bath after a funeral (at least with the fear of not getting possessed) and being safe as mostly people neglect doing things when it comes to health. And find it an 'old school' kind of a thought. But mostly ghost stories scare people which probably makes them have bath after funeral in this case.
                                                            Andrina Fernandes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Friday 5 February 2016

Myth about cutting of the nails at night

Myth: One should not cut nails at night.
Superstitious belief: It invites the devil in the house.
Actual reason : This myth was originated from the time when in the olden days people had no access to electricity in their houses and had to rely on the lamps which would not produce much bright light. If one would cut the nails at night in the dark, there was a fear of hurting oneself and if not disposed in proper places like dustbins or throw the cut nails outside the house, there would be fear of being hurt by getting cuts on the feet while walking, having stamped any sharp nail. The elders used to warm their children so as to not letting them hurt themselves. But as the saying goes 'the sheep falls in the pit, and the others blindly follow'. Similarly, some people without knowing or wanting to know, they think of illogical interpretations to such matters. The question of we inviting the devil and the devil entering our house just does not arise and the cutting of nails and inviting the devil has no connection. But maybe the thought has come up as when we imagine a devil, its nails will definitely be long, relating to our long nails and we mostly relate darkness to night as so the superstitious belief follows.
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                                                                                                  Andrina Fernandes